Four Squares Universal Links

Four Squares supports universal links to share challenges. These links can be embedded in App Clips codes, QR codes, NFC tags, or sent as a link in Messages, an email, etc.

App Clip Codes

App Clip codes require short URLs, making them hard to read and create. The parameters are outlined below.


These parameters are used across all game modes.

pUInt64YesN/AThe seed used to generate the random sequence. Note that large seeds may not fit in App Clip codes.
p1Difficulty (0 for easy, 1 for normal, or 2 for hard)YesN/AThe difficulty of the game.
p2Game Mode (0 for endless, 1 for speedrun, or 2 for time attack)YesN/AThe mode of the game.


These parameters are used with the endless game mode.

p3IntYesN/AThe length of the longest sequence correctly replayed.